
Dear St. Paul’s Family,

    Your consistory has been working hard and meeting weekly for the last six weeks to find a safe way to open St. Paul’s and resume in person Sunday worship.  Your safety is of upmost importance to us.  July 19 was originally targeted for our 1st Sunday, but this week the Consistory voted not to open as of yet.  No new opening target date is set.  There are several reasons: 

1. The County has had a dramatic increase in cases this week.   

2. A small percentage of members indicated they would come if we opened in July.   

3.  The consistory wants to make sure we have all possible safeguards in place before opening, and we were not 100% ready.   

Your consistory will continue to monitor conditions and listen to your wants and needs.  Please reach out to us if there is anything you would like to talk about.

John Brown – President

Jim Schwarten – Vice President

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