Welcome to St. Paul’s United Church of Christ
Here at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, we encourage you to come as you are. We recognize and celebrate that God made us all unique and miraculously in his image. We as the church rejoice that God has allowed us to run the “good race” and acknowledge that we are all at different legs of the marathon. We gather as a church on the south side of Sheboygan, WI to worship, celebrate, fellowship, and learn, while being attuned to the mission God has called us all to.
Church is not just a building. Church is about the people that gather together for celebration, worship, and fellowship. The church is the assembled people, in fact the Greek word translated in our modern bibles as church, ekklesia is “assembly.” The NAS New Testament Greek Lexicon defines ekklesia as “A gather of citizens called out from their homes into some public place, an assembly.”
St. Paul’s U.C.C. is one of many Sheboygan churches serving Sheboygan, WI and surrounding areas. We are committed to God’s mission through teaching, advocacy, and local mission. St. Paul’s U.C.C. is committed to advocating for the rights of all people no matter their sexual orientation, race, sex, and social economic status. We invite you to worship, communion and learn of God’s love with us as we “strive to be a loving, caring community of faith. We seek to preach the Gospel, live the Word, and reach out to each other and those in need.”