3 thoughts on “1.17.21 Sunday Worship”

  1. Today’s Sunday Worship JAN 17, 2021 was very special for us and we are blessed to have received it into our home. We were blessed by the message from Pastor Jeremy on the GOOD NEWS proclaimed by Jesus and it means a lot to us. And we were spiritually filled with the readings and prayers and vocal and instrumental music, including the hand bells music. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him above ye Heavenly Host, Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost. Amen!

  2. Daniel has been experiencing unbearable pain with his incisors and gums. Now getting relief from pain medication and antibiotic and will have a tooth extracted on Wednesday JAN 20th. Hoping the aftermath is not as terrible as in June, 2011 when he got an infection, blood disease (sepsis) and spent two weeks (6-8 days) recovering in the hospital. God is there to help us with all the pain and healing.

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